Connecting Central Alberta Residents and Visitors to Local Businesses
Red Deer Connect App
Did you know that for every $1 spent at a local business, $0.66 cents on average stays local.
Finding local businesses and their specials has never been so easy!
Download the Red Deer Connect App today!
#BuyLocalYQF #RedDeerConnect
Red Deer Connect Passport
Our pass offers exciting opportunities and experience to help residents and visitors to discover our very own local businesses and help bring more traffic to the locations.
Sign up, visit and save on participating restaurants. Check-in & Redeem digitally at each location to count towards your prize in one convenient place on your phone. Exclusive prizes from our Amazing Sponsors.
Easy access to the paid pass on your smart phone (no download needed), allowing you to explore with ease.
The price of the pass is one time only for the year.